SES PTSA Newsletter 01-11-2023
Sunnyside PTSA Weekly Update
Wednesday, January 11, 2022
~ Find the latest Messenger newsletter from the SES office here. ~
Our next PTSA meeting is scheduled for this upcoming Friday, January 13 at 8:45 a.m. in Room 102. We’ll be discussing upcoming fundraising events – including Read-A-Thon – and more! Join us, virtually or in person! We’ll have free coffee from Oblique, as usual, so please BYOM! Hope to see you then/there!
PTSA Co-Presidents Auburn & Heather
Volunteer Opportunities & Special Events!
Community Kitchen Volunteer Needed!
Do you love to organize? Is Marie Kondo-ing your house your favorite activity? We’ve got the volunteer job for YOU! PTSA and Sunnyside could use a super organizer to lead the effort in clearing out our community kitchen and storage space in the cafeteria. What does this entail? Basically, it means taking everything out of cabinets, testing it, checking it for dents and cracks, and cleaning it up to see if it can still be put to use! We would love to have clean, organized cabinets with everything working and in its place! Like to shop? We’re also hoping this person can help shop (with a small provided budget) for and purchase a few useful new items to replace anything that needs tossing. This project can be done anytime in January! To learn more or volunteer, contact auburnmarie3.
School-Wide Activities & Opportunities!
WILLY WONKA Registration Updates!
We had some technical difficulties on our signup day last Saturday, so some families were not able to enter the school musical registration site. We are so sorry for the inconvenience, and we will have a few spots opening up for students on our waitlist soon. If you were not able to register and are still interested in doing so, please send an email with your student’s name and grade to fundraising. Additionally, we do still have the ability to process scholarship applications. If your student would like to participate, but you are unable to afford the $150 reduced tuition, please email rjohnson10 to inquire about scholarships!
Sign Up For After School Activities at SES
Our PTSA has a running list of after-school activities and offerings at Sunnyside and in the neighborhood community .
Check out these ways to contribute to Sunnyside while doing your everyday shopping:
Please consider adding Sunnyside Environmental School PTSA to your Amazon Smile and Fred Meyer rewards accounts. We will receive a donation when you shop with these vendors! Here’s how:
Fred Meyer Rewards
1. Log-in to your account (or create a new one).
2. On your dashboard, scroll down to Community Rewards.
3. Search for Sunnyside Environmental School PTSA and add them to your community rewards.
4. Feel good about supporting SES while you shop for groceries!
1. Log in to your account at
2. Scroll down to Other Programs
3. Choose Change your AmazonSmile Charity
4. Search for Sunnyside Environmental PTA and choose or change your charity
5. If you mostly shop on your computer, shop through so that a portion of the proceeds from your order are sent to SES!
6. If you mostly shop on your mobile app, make sure to activate AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app on your iOS or Android phone within the Settings or Programs & Features menu.
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or ideas for future fundraising!
Heather – tanky34
Auburn – auburnmarie3